Here are a few interesting facts about the Italian version of the original Star Wars trilogy.
R2-D2 and C-3PO are called C1B8 and D3PO, respectively, in movies, novels, and comics. I think R2-D2’s name was changed because in English it reads “Ar-Two-Dee-Two” but in Italian it reads “Erre-Due-Di-Due” which sounds unpleasant. C-3PO’s name was probably changed so as not to repeat the same letters. He is usually called 3PO. In Episode I, the names of both droids are the same as the original ones.
- Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Darth Vader are called Ian, Leila, and Fener, respectively. Their original names were restored in translations of novels and comics.
- Jabba the Hutt was translated as Jabba de’ Hutt, altering its meaning. In fact, the word ‘de” isn’t an article, but a particle typically used in surnames, similar to something like Jabba O’Hutt.
- The Death Star is called Black Death (Morte Nera).
- The lightsaber is called a laser sword (spada laser).
- Chewbacca’s short form isn’t Chewie but Chewbah (but not in the novels and comics).
- Star destroyers are referred to in the same way as the starfighters. This is because the word the Italian Navy uses for “destroyer” is “cacciatorpediniere.” That very long word in the movies is usually cut down to “caccia.” The trouble is that “caccia” also means “fighter.” This problem was solved in the novels and comics. In The Empire Strikes Back, the line “Two fighters against the star destroyer?” was translated as “Due caccia contro i caccia stellari?” which means “Two fighters against the star fighters?”
Big thanks to Francesco Cavallari for giving us some information you don’t normally see on the web. If you have anything to add, please let me know.