One of the finer aspects of Episode II was that it (in part) resembled a good, old fashioned mystery story. Obi-Wan is like an old 1940’s gumshoe detective in a black and white film noir piece. Obi-Wan is like the Bogart cop, hitting the streets hard and piecing the clues together. Mace Windu and Yoda are holding down the fort and trying to process the information passed on to them. Obi-Wan’s detective work began on Coruscant, so let’s begin there as well.
Originally, after the scene where Anakin and Padmé depart Coruscant as refugees, Obi-Wan took the toxic dart removed from the neck of Zam Wesell to the Jedi Analysis room to see about discerning its origin. Fortunately, most of this scene is intact on the Episode II DVD. There’s still a small amount of dialogue missing, but it’s unclear if the scene was shot this way or if the dialogue was removed during editing.
Also note that in the original script, the droid who speaks is known as PK-4. Trivia buffs should remember this name. The PK-4 droid was originally supposed to show up at the beginning of The Phantom Menace when the Jedi ambassadors boarded the Trade Federation ship. That scene was removed but the droid was duplicated and used for background shots in various other places during the film. The droid who appears in Episode II resembles a PK-4 droid in many ways, but the Episode II version is named SP-4 and his helper droid is named JN-66.
Here’s the excerpt from The Art of Attack of the Clones:
From high above, light streams down from the lofty ceilings. Obi-Wan crosses the floor of the great hallway, heading for the Analysis Rooms.INT. JEDI TEMPLE, ANALYSIS CUBICLES – LATE DAY
Obi-Wan walks past several glass cubicles where work is going on. He comes to an empty one and sits down in front of a console. An SP-4 Analysis Droid comes to life. A tray slides out of the console.SP-4
Place the subject for analysis
on the sensor tray, please.Obi-Wan puts the dart onto the tray, which retracts into the console. The Droid activates the system, and a screen lights up in front of Obi-Wan.
It’s a toxic dart.
I need to know where it
came from and who made it.SP-4
One moment, please.Diagrams and data appear on the screen, scrolling past at great speed. Obi-Wan watches as the screen goes blank. The tray slides out.
SP-4 (continuing)
Markings cannot be identified.
As you can see on your screen,
subject weapon does not exist in any
known culture. Probably self-made by
a warrior not associated with any known
society. Stand away from the
sensor tray please.Obi-Wan
Excuse me? Could
you try it again please?SP-4
Master Jedi, our records are
very thorough. They cover eighty
percent of the galaxy.
If I can’t tell you where it
came from, nobody can.Obi-Wan picks up the dart and looks at it, then looks to the Droid.
Thanks for your assistance!
(to himself) I know someone
who can identify this.
The pictures here are from who, by the way, has the picture of the puppet model listed as “the puppet incarnation of the SP-4 analysis droid.” He looks slightly different, as you can see. I suppose the CG designers took a few extra liberties, but either way, the droid looks great. The video clip was captured from the DVD and sent in by Dylan McDermond.
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Download: Clip of Obi-Wan in the Jedi Temple analysis room, as seen on the Episode II DVD. |
You may have noticed a blond waitress in Dexter’s Diner on Couscant. You can see her clearly when they show Dex in his kitchen window greeting Obi-Wan. This pretty lady’s name is Hermione Bagwa, and she originally had all of the droid waitress’ lines according to the 2nd draft of the sceenplay. In that draft, the waitress offers Obi-Wan something called “Ardees” which was later changed to “Jawa Juice”. So when all is said and done, this is really just a case of some dialogue switching and technically nothing to do with a cut scene.
Here’s the excerpt from the 2nd draft of EPISODE II:
A young waitress, HERMIONE BAGWA, is wiping off a booth tabletop. There is a counter with stools and a line of booths along the wall by the window. A number of CUSTOMERS are eating – TOUGH-LOOKING WORKERS, FREIGHTER DRIVERS ETC. HERMIONE looks up as Obi-Wan comes in.HERMIONE BAGWA
Can I help ya?OBI-WAN
I’m looking for Dexter.HERMIONE’S eyes narrow.
Waddya want him for?OBI-WAN
He’s not in trouble.
It’s personal.There is a brief pause, then she goes to the open serving hatch behind the counter.
Someone to see ya, honey.
(lowering her voice) A Jedi,
by the looks of him.Steam billows out from the kitchen hatch behind the counter as a huge head pokes through.
Take a seat!
Be right with ya!Obi-Wan sits in a booth.
You want a cup of ardees?OBI-WANThank you.
George Lucas has been trying to incorporate the word Kyber into the STAR WARS films for a long time. Those familiar with the early drafts of the original Star Wars and Alan Dean Foster’s novel, Splinter of the Mind’s Eye will know that something called the “Kyber Crystal” has been mentioned quite a bit and with various spellings.
Lucas himself never got to use the term though he was the one that coined it in the early drafts which refer to a “Kiber Crystal” that amplifies the Force.
It appears that he almost got the job done in Episode II with mention of a Kamino Kyberdart. This referred to the dart that killed Zam Wesell. Once again, things changed and the Kamino Kyberdart was renamed the Kamino Saberdart. Oh, well.
Here’s a short excerpt from the 2nd draft of Episode II where Dex names the dart:
This baby belongs to them cloners.
What you got here, is a
Kamino Kyberdart.
While we’re on the subject of Dexter Jettster, that galaxy-trotting, multi-armed, gruff cooksmith, let’s discuss smoking.
Remember, kids, smoking is bad for you. When it comes to smoking in the Star Wars Universe, there’s very little of it. You might see a seedy alien in a cantina or perhaps Jabba the Hutt taking a toke on the old pipe but other than that, there isn’t too much of it going on.
Dexter Jettster was originally supposed to have a pipe, however. The pipe made it as far as the action figure packaging before the decision to have him smoke was repealed, I assume by George Lucas who may have not wanted little kids playing with action figures that smoked.
As you can see in the action figure photos, one says “Pipe” on the packaging. If you look closely at the cardback photo, you’ll see that he has the pipe on him. The photos are courtesy of
One of the most interesting concepts that was left out of Episode II is the explanation of what the Jedi refer to as the “Lost 20”. There were only 20 Jedi who left the order for various reasons and the Jedi are quite intrigued by them. They even keep statues of them in the archives. In fact, it’s a bust of Count Dooku that Obi-Wan is staring at when Jocasta Nu comes around to help him. Count Dooku happens to be number twenty on the list. All dialogue and references to the “Lost 20” were removed from Episode II, including a comparison of Qui-Gon Jinn to Count Dooku, which takes Obi-Wan by surprise.
Here’s an excerpt from The Art Of Attack of the Clones:
A bronze bust of Count Dooku, stands among a line of other busts of Jedi in the Archive Room. Obi-Wan stands in front of it, studying the striking features of the chiselled face.On the walls, lighted computer panels seem to stretch to infinity. Farther along the room in the background, five Jedi are seated at tables, studying archive material.
After Obi-Wan studies the bust for a few moments, Madame Jocasta Nu, the Jedi Archivist, is standing next to him. She is an elderly, frail-looking human Jedi. Tough as old boots and smart as a whip.
Did you call for assistance?OBI-WAN (distracted in thought)
Yes… yes, I did…JOCASTA NU
He has a powerful face,
doesn’t he? He was one of the
most brilliant Jedi I have had
the privilege of knowing.OBI-WAN
I never understood why he quit.
Only twenty Jedi have ever left
the Order.JOCASTA NU (sighs)
The Lost Twenty… And Count Dooku
was the most recent and the most
painful. No one likes to talk about
it. His leaving was a great loss
to the Order.OBI-WAN
What happened?JOCASTA NU
Well, Count Dooku was always a
bit out of step with the decisions
of the Council… much like your
old Master, Qui-Gon Jinn.OBI-WAN (surprised)
Oh, yes. They were alike in
many ways. Very individual
thinkers… idealists…Jocasta Nu gazes at the bust.
JOCASTA NU (continuing)
He was always striving to become
a more powerful Jedi. He wanted to
be the best. With a lightsaber, in the
old style of fencing, he had no match.
His knowledge of the Force was…
unique. In the end, I think he left
because he lost faith in the Republic.
He believed that politics were corrupt,
and he felt the Jedi betrayed themselves
by serving the politicians. He always
had very high expectations of
government. He disappeared for nine
or ten years, then he just showed
up recently as the head of the
separatist movement.OBI-WAN
It’s very interesting…
I’m not sure I completely
understand.JOCASTA NU
Well, I’m sure you didn’t call me over
here for a history lesson.
Are you having a problem,
Master Kenobi?OBI-WAN
Yes, I’m trying to find a planet system
called Kamino. It doesn’t seem to show up
on any of the archive charts.JOCASTA NU
Kamino? It’s not a system
I’m familiar with… let me see…Jocasta Nu leans over Obi-Wan’s shoulder, looking at the screen.
JOCASTA NU (continuing)
Are you sure you have the
right coordinates?OBI-WAN (nodding)
According to my information, it
should be in this quadrant somewhere…
just south of the Rishi Maze.Jocasta Nu taps the keyboard and frowns.
No coordinates? It sounds like the
sort of directions you’d get from a
street tout… some old miner or
Furbog trader.OBI-WAN
All three, actually.JOCASTA NU
Are you sure it exists?OBI-WAN
Absolutely.JOCASTA NU
Let me do a gravitational scan.Obi-Wan and Jocasta Nu study the star map hologram.
JOCASTA NU (continuing)
There are some inconsistencies here.
Maybe the planet you’re seeking
was destroyed.OBI-WAN
Wouldn’t that be
on record?JOCASTA NU
It ought to be, unless it was very
recent. (shakes her head) I hate to say it,
but it looks like the system you’re
searching for doesn’t exist.OBI-WAN
That’s impossible… perhaps
the archives are incomplete.JOCASTA NU
The archives are comprehensive and
totally secure, my young Jedi. One
thing you may be absolutely sure of –
if an item does not appear in our records,
it does not exist!Obi-Wan stares at her, then looks back to the map. Jocasta Nu notices a young boy approach. She turns from Obi-Wan and leaves with the youngster.
The photos here are from various sources including Star Wars Insider, the EPISODE II Visual Dictionary,, the Episode II Comic Adaptation and Mighty Chronicles.
In July of 2000, announced that five-year-old Phoebe Yiamkiati would be cast in Episode II as a “jedi hopeful.” At the time we really didn’t know what that meant or what the extent of her role would be. In the end, she was hardly visible in the film, but she originally had some dialogue that was deleted.
Here’s an excerpt from
The two Jedi children that were to have speaking parts were identified simply as “Jedi Child Jack” and “Jedi Child May” in the script, though they were given the more elaborate names of J.K. Burtola and Mari Amithest later on. Mari’s lines were cut from the finished film.
In the final sequence, a number of children had digitally superimposed computer-generated masks covering their faces, since lengthy prosthetic alien makeup wasn’t possible with such young actors.
Here’s the entire excerpt from the 2nd draft of Episode II:
OBI-WAN comes out onto the veranda and stops, watching TWENTY or so FOUR-YEAR-OLDS doing training exercises, supervised by YODA. They wear helmets over their eyes and try to strike little TRAINING DROIDS with their miniature lightsabers. The DROIDS dance in front of them.YODA
Don’t think… feel… be as one
with the Force. Help you, it will.
(he sees Obi-Wan)
Younglings – enough! A visitor
we have. Welcome him.The CHILDREN take off their helmets and turn off their lightsabers.
YODA (continuing)
Master Obi-Wan Kenobi,
meet the mighty Bear Clan.CHILDREN
Welcome, Master Obi-Wan!OBI-WAN
I am sorry to disturb you, Master.YODA
What help to you, can I be?OBI-WAN
I’m looking for a planet described to
me by an old friend. I trust him, but the
system doesn’t show up on the
archive maps.YODA
An interesting puzzle. Gather round
the map reader, Younglings. Master
Obi-Wan has lost a planet.
Find it, we will try.The reader is a small shaft with a hollow at the top. The CHILDREN gather around it. OBI-WAN takes out a little glass ball and places it into the bowl. The window shades close, the reader lights up and projects the star map hologram into the room. The CHILDREN laugh. Some of them reach up to try and touch the nebulae and stars. OBI-WAN walks into the display.
This is where it ought to be… but it isn’t.
Gravity is pulling all the stars in this area
inward to this spot. There should be a star here…
but there isn’t.YODA
Most interesting. Gravity’s silhouette
remains, but the star and all of its
planets have disappeared.
How can this be?There is a brief pause. Then a CHILD puts its hand up. YODA nods.
Because someone erased it
from the archive memory.CHILDREN
That’s right! Yes! That’s what
happened! Someone erased it!JEDI CHILD MAY
If the planet blew up, the
gravity would go away.OBI-WAN stares; YODA chuckles.
Truly wonderful, the mind of a
child is. Uncluttered. To the center of
the pull of gravity go, and find
your planet you will.OBI-WAN
But Master Yoda, who could have erased
information from the archives?
That’s impossible, isn’t it?YODA (frowning)
Much harder to answer,
that question is.
Here’s the corresponding excerpt from The Art of Attack of the Clones:
Obi-Wan comes out onto the veranda and stops, watching twenty or so four year olds doing training exercises, supervised by Yoda. They wear helmets over their eyes and try to strike little training droids with their miniature lightsabers. The droids dance in front of them.YODA
Don’t think… feel…be as one with the
Force. Help you, it will. (he sees Obi-Wan)
Younglings – enough! A visitor we have.
Welcome him.The children take off their helmets and turn off their lightsabers.
YODA (continuing)
Master Obi-Wan Kenobi,
meet the mighty Bear Clan.CHILDREN
Welcome, Master Obi-Wan!OBI-WAN
I am sorry to disturb you, Master.YODA
What help to you, can I be?OBI-WAN
I’m looking for a planet described to
me by an old friend. I trust him, but
the system doesn’t show up on the
archive maps.YODA
Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan has.
How embarrassing… how embarrassing.
Liam, the shades. An interesting puzzle.
Gather, younglings, around the map reader.
Clear your minds and find Obi-Wan’s
wayward planet, we will.The reader is a small shaft with a hollow at the top. The children gather around it. Obi-Wan takes out a little glass ball and places it into the bowl. The window shades close, the reader lights up and projects the star map hologram into the room. The children laugh. Some of them reach up to try and touch the nebulae and stars. Obi-Wan walks into the display.
This is where it ought to be… but it isn’t.
Gravity is pulling all the stars in this area
inward to this spot. There should be a star
here… but there isn’t.YODA
Most interesting. Gravity’s silhouette remains,
but the star and all it’s planets have disappeared.
How can this be? Now, younglings, in your mind,
what is the first thing you see? An answer?
A thought? Anyone?There is a brief pause. Then a child puts its hand up. Yoda nods.
Because someone erased it from
the archive memory.CHILDREN
That’s right! Yes! That’s what
happened! Someone erased it!JEDI CHILD MAY
If the planet blew up, the
gravity would go away.Obi-Wan stares; Yoda chuckles.
Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.
The Padawan is right. Go to the center
of gravity’s pull, and find your planet
you will.Yoda and Obi-Wan move away from the children. With a hand movement, Obi-Wan causes the star map to disappear. Obi-Wan use the Force to call the glass ball back to his hand as the two walk into an adjoining room.
But Master Yoda, who could have erased
information from the archives?
That’s impossible, isn’t it?YODA (frowning)
Dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is.
Only a Jedi could have erased those files.
But who and why, harder to answer.
Meditate on this, I will. May the Force
be with you.Obi-Wan leaves the room as Yoda walks back toward the children.
The Bear Clan only had a few shots in the film so there isn’t much to look at as far as deleted footage or photos. In the image included here, it appears that the training remotes didn’t make it into the publicity still. This isn’t really anything to do with deleted scenes but I thought it would be nice to include.
You might also want to look for this slight editing blooper in the film. When Obi-Wan enters, note the positioning of the children. Then when the camera cuts to a closeer shot of the small group where they greet Obi-Wan in unison, look at their positioning again. Everyone’s in different spots. Then it cuts back to the wider shot and everyone’s back in their original positions.
I’m also including another picture from Star Wars Insider that shows the little Jedi on the set, including young Phoebe Yiamkiati.
As explained on the Episode II DVD, this scene consisting of Mace Windu seeing Obi-Wan to his ship was removed from the film in favor of combining its dialogue with another scene and moving it up in the sequence. The scene it was combined with is the one where Mace and Yoda walk down a hallway and discuss the Sith. This scene, in the theatrical version of the film, contains bits and pieces from both scenes.
When reading the script excerpt, take note of the little piece at the end while Yoda is meditating. This is part of a concept that was eventually dropped. Yoda is seen meditating in the finished film, but what we don’t know is that he’s supposed to be probing the Dark Side of the Force, trying to get some information about the current state of affairs. In a scene that was originally to take place earlier in the film, Yoda hinted that he had to probe the Dark Side in order to sense the possibilities of the future.
It’s possible that this scene was shot two different ways not counting a possible third version which included the floating Yoda that actually appeared in the film. One version had Mace and Obi-Wan just standing outside Obi-Wan’s starfighter, and the other had the two Jedi walking to the landing platform and Obi-Wan’s ship docking with a hyperspace ring, which is the version you’ll find on the DVD. This one has more dialogue as well, especially in the beginning.
Here’s an excerpt from the 2nd draft of the Episode II script:
Obi-Wan’s Starfighter is ready for takeoff. OBI-WAN and MACE WINDU stand beside it.Mace Windu
Be wary, this disturbance in
the Force is growing stronger.Obi-Wan
I’m concerned for my Padawan.
He is not ready to be on his own.Mace Windu
He has exceptional skills.
The Council is confident in its decision,
Obi-Wan. If the prophecy is true,
he will be the one to bring
balance to the Force.Obi-Wan
But he still has much to learn.
His skills have made him… well…
arrogant. I realize now what you and
Master Yoda knew from the beginning…
the boy was too old to start the training,
and…OBI-WAN hesitates.
Mace Windu
There’s something else?Obi-Wan
Master, we should not have been
given this assignment. I’m afraid
Anakin won’t be able to protect
the Senator.Mace Windu
He has a… an emotional connection
with her. It’s been there since he was
a boy. Now he’s confused…
distracted.Mace Windu
Obi-Wan, you must have faith
that he will take the right path.OBI-WAN climbs into the cockpit of the Starfighter.
Has Master Yoda gained any insight
into whether or not this war will
come about?Mace Windu
Probing the Dark Side is a dangerous process.
He could be in seclusion for days…
May The Force Be With You.The canopy closes. MACE WINDU watches as the Starfighter takes off.
YODA sits with his eyes closed, meditating. Silence.
The video clip was captured from the DVD and sent in by Dylan McDermond.
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Download: Clip of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu at the Jedi Landing Platform as seen on the Episode II DVD. |