George Lucas has stated in many interviews that the heart of the Star Wars saga revolves around the relationship between a father and a son. He might not have had those roles clearly defined at the onset or writing, as evident in the old drafts of the script, but he eventually got his characters there. The role of the son eventually went to young Luke Skywalker, who went on to embark on his “Hero’s Journey” throughout the original trilogy of films. He starts out as a young boy, is thrown into adventure with a wizard-like mentor, defies the odds, pulls off the unexpected, and becomes a hero. The path was not an easy one, however.
Tag: dream

The Naboo Lake Country
When her life is threatened, Senator Amidala feels it’s wrong to turn around and hide but reluctantly agrees to at the urging of the Queen of Naboo, amongst others. Anakin Skywalker, her Jedi bodyguard accompanies her to the Lake Country Retreat, a place of the Senator’s choosing. It is there that a dangerous and forbidden love will take root and blossom. Let’s take a look at some of the things that happened in the Lake Country that didn’t make it into the film.

The Arrival and Some Meetings on Naboo
The lovely senator (and former Queen) from Naboo is in mortal danger. After an assassination attempt on Coruscant, it’s clear that someone wants her dead. Her Jedi protectors order her into seclusion against her wishes. Young Anakin Skywalker, no longer a boy but not yet a full Jedi Knight, is to escort her to Naboo and keep her safe. It is there that he will learn more about her and a reluctant love will blossom. Let’s take a look at a few scenes that didn’t make the final cut.

The Pod Race
The Boonta Eve Podrace from Episode I is definitely a highlight of the film, especially after George Lucas decided to extend and improve it in the subsequent video releases. No matter how much he expands it, however, deleted shots remain. This page will cover any deleted/alternate scenes that take place directly before, during, and after the Podrace.