The Battle of Geonosis


The Battle of Geonosis was quite a historic event when you think about it. It was technically the first big battle of what would be known as The Clone Wars. This was the first big test of the clone army, created specifically to fight wars and serve as the Grand Army of the Republic. If the clones failed their first big military test, the war might have ended right there. There were many changes from script to screen, so let’s just take a look at some of the major things that were deleted or altered during the Battle of Geonosis.

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The Naboo Swamp


In the first few scenes of the film, Jedi ambassadors Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrive on a Federation ship for negotiations, but are instead attacked and need to flee the ship. Their transport has been destroyed, so they stow-away on some Federation landing ships and end up on the surface of Naboo. The Jedi need to regroup and hatch a plan. Qui-Gon finds an unlikely ally, while Obi-Wan crawls out of a swamp to try and find with his master. Here are a few things that didn’t make the final cut of the film.

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Jedi Diplomacy


The Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to and from the small planet of Naboo.  Two Jedi have been dispatched at the request of Supreme Chancellor Valorum to help negotiate the matter. This section deals with some of the shots and scenes deleted and/or altered from the opening of The Phantom Menace. Read More