The Battle of Endor was the final fight in a long war of Rebellion against a tyrannical Empire. The Rebellion struck while the iron was hot and cast a fateful blow to the Emperor and his minions. In the end, good prevailed, but not without a really great space battle!
Tag: transport

The Arrival and Some Meetings on Naboo
The lovely senator (and former Queen) from Naboo is in mortal danger. After an assassination attempt on Coruscant, it’s clear that someone wants her dead. Her Jedi protectors order her into seclusion against her wishes. Young Anakin Skywalker, no longer a boy but not yet a full Jedi Knight, is to escort her to Naboo and keep her safe. It is there that he will learn more about her and a reluctant love will blossom. Let’s take a look at a few scenes that didn’t make the final cut.