Read Some of Kasdan’s Original Handwritten Empire Script Pages


Writing scripts longhand and on paper is a bit of a lost art form these days. The personal computer age seems to have changed everything, much like the mobile industry seems to be changing life yet again right before out eyes. So it’s always fun to look back on the old days from time to time.

Slashfilm recently got their hands on a few pages of Lawrence Kasdan’s original, handwritten draft of The Empire Strikes Back. It was all part of this year’s “May the 4th be with you” (AKA Star Wars Day) celebrations that now (unofficially) take place every year on May fourth.

The pages are fun to read and while many have seen the old drafts before, these handwritten pages give us a few more glimpses into the development of the film. In one of them, Yoda seems to imply that when you’re a full-on Jedi, you can “see” things differently. You can actually see the Force around everything which is an interesting concept. Another mentions a deleted scene where Luke is training on Dagobah and fighting off some training ball droids that shoot stun bolts at him, similar to the one that Obi-Wan used while on the Millennium Falcon in the original film. There are a few other bits including Han’s line “…just remember that, because I’ll be back,” which was later changed by Harrison Ford to “I know.”

It’s a small bit of film history you might enjoy.

Source: Slashfilm

How Do You Celebrate May the 4th?


“May the 4th be with you.”

Say it out loud once or twice and you’ll either get it, or Star Wars is not really a big influence in your life.  If you’re like me, May the 4th is way more exciting than the other second tier holidays.

Sweetest day?  Presidents Day?  Earth Day?  International Talk Like a Pirate Day?  I’d rank May the 4th way above these… in fact, I’d put it in the realm of Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day.  You don’t get work off, but you celebrate with something a little cheesy, fun, or crazy.

So, HOW do you celebrate May the 4th?  I have some suggestions.  I’m probably going to do nearly all of them, but you can pick and choose.  If you really wanted to go all out, it could be like Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and Memorial Day all rolled into one.  Dress up, give gifts, smooch a cute girl in a Twi’lek costume and remember those Star Wars people and things we have lost over the last year.  RIP Clone Wars and Lucasarts 🙁

  1. Quote Star Wars lines to anyone and everyone who will listen.  They are applicable in all situations.  Someone says they’ll try to make it to your Star Wars party?  “Do or do not, there is no try.”  Someone calls you an idiot?  “I find your lack of faith disturbing.”  They get angry?  “I can feel your anger.  It gives you focus, makes you stronger.”  *you may want to duck at some point.
  2. Send Star Wars e-cards, memes, and tweets.  Quotes are good for this as well. has even done some work for you, or you can always google it.
  3. Change your facebook picture to your favorite Star Wars character.  If you have photoshop skills this becomes even more fun.  While you’re at it, photoshop all your friends into Star Wars characters… they’ll thank you later.
  4. Lots of places have Star Wars related festivities.  Check your local libraries, restaurants, bars, comic book stores, etc.  I’m going to Star Wars Trivia at a local pizza place; Empire Pizza… you should not be surprised at this name.
  5. Check with your area 501st garrison.  I’m lucky enough to have one in my area.  Shout out to the Carolina Garrison!  If they aren’t doing something in your area… MOVE!
  6. Throw a party and serve Wookiee cookies, blue milk, or any creation you can come up with.  Cake is always good.  Other suggestions you say? Tie fritters?  Boba Fettucine?  Pizza the Hutt?  Why am I doing all the work?
  7. Watch the Star Wars movies for the 124th time.  If you don’t have all day, just watch this and this one too (PG-13).
  8. Finally, due to the alignment of the planets, May the 4th is also FREE COMIC BOOK DAY!  Go to your local comic book store and buy something.  Anything.  Support these hard working people or when you really need them they may not be there for you.

In all seriousness… go buy a comic and be a kid for the day.

Leave your thoughts and how you plan on celebrating in the comments section.


~kknight – is a lifelong Star Wars fanatic that is incredibly excited to be working with T-bone.  May the 4th be with you all!

A Saga in the Stars: A Tribute to a Galaxy Far, Far Away



The Force is strong with Nucleus in LA as the gallery presents one of its biggest tribute exhibitions yet in honor of the Star Wars franchise. Welcoming a diverse group of international talent celebrating their favorite Star Wars characters and moments, join the gallery as it transforms into a galaxy far, far away with a collection of original works inspired by this saga in the stars. Learn more

SHAG • Ana Bagayan • Nimit Malavia • TADO
Allen Williams • Justin Gerard • Ralph Mcquarrie & many more


Join us Saturday, May 4, 7:00PM-11:00PM
$5 Admission, Open to Public, All-Ages ,No RSVP
FREE Admission for those in Star Wars-themed costume


  • Live Lightsaber Duel
  • Costume Contest
  • Artists in Attendance
  • Live Dj
  • Star Wars-themed refreshments
  • & More to be announced

Prior to the opening reception, collectors and non-local fans can sign up here to view the featured works in an online gallery. The online gallery will be made public at midnight May 4th here. The exhibit will be on display at Gallery Nucleus through May 26, 2013.

210 E Main St
Alhambra, CA 91801
(15 mins outside of downtown LA)