Luke’s childhood friend, Biggs Darklighter, was a big influence on him. He was the friend that got away, joined the Academy, and did something with his life, leaving Luke at home on the farm. Luke longed to be like his friend. He wanted off the farm and to have his own adventures. He got them all right. The relationship between Biggs and Luke was quite lost in the final film, however. There are casual mentions of Biggs and another friend Tank. There’s the short reunion with Biggs during the end battle. That’s about the extent of it, though. Biggs’ missing scenes fill in a lot of those blanks in Luke’s backstory.
The first missing scene involving Biggs (according to the Star Wars novelization) occurred just after a scene that also ended up deleted featuring Luke and his Treadwell droid, his trusty helper out on the desert flats.
Luke, full of excitement at having seen some starships in the sky above Tatooine, races towards the Toshi Station (located in Anchorhead) to tell his friends about the battle he’s just witnessed in the sky, which we all know is the capture of Leia and the Tantive IV. In transit, Luke almost runs down an old woman with his landspeeder. She turns and yells at Luke to slow down. Luke hops out of his speeder and runs into the Toshi Station where he finds his friends Camie, Fixer, Deak, and Windy relaxing and enjoying the day. Deak and Windy are in the back area playing a game while Camie and Fixer nap at a desk, Camie in Fixer’s arms. Luke hastily scrambles in waking them up and then notices another guy in the room. It’s Biggs Darklighter, who had left Tatooine the previous season to join the Imperial Academy. Luke is overwhelmed with joy at seeing his old friend again.
They start to talk a little but then Luke remembers the real reason he came by and urges everyone to come outside for a look. Deak and Windy remain inside, writing off the event as one of Wormie’s delusions. Luke’s nickname among his friends is “Wormie.”
When they get outside, Luke points to where the action was and Biggs takes a look using Luke’s macrobinoculars. He sees two ships but no action and tells the little crowd so. Then Camie grabs the binoculars and has a look for herself. The disappointed group retreats back inside the station without Luke who remains outside looking (and feeling) embarrassed.
Deak and Windy, while more prevalent in the earlier drafts of the script, are hardly seen here. They’re in the back of the station which serves as their hangout playing a game that resembles an electronic pool table or air hockey table of sorts. We don’t really get a good look at the table but my friend SKot has found what he believes to be a drawing by Ralph McQuarrie of this table. Here’s what he had to say along with the related picture:
This was part of a large folder of drawings that Ralph discovered after moving some things around in his house, after The Art of Ralph McQuarrie had already been published. So this was published in a smaller booklet called A Gallery of Imagination – The Art of Ralph McQuarrie and sold at Celebration 5 at the art exhibit.
The caption for this sheet of drawings: This sheet of pen illustrations includes a holographic chess table [sic] that predates the cocktail-style arcade cabinets that would become barroom staples several years after the release of Star Wars, a very recognizable R2-D2, a thumbnail of R2 in the Tatooine canyon (above right), and a number of thumbnails of the Jawa Sandcrawler: scoop, treads, and interiors.
I’m almost 100% certain they were incorrect about the “holographic chess table” – it is most likely the electronic pool table that Deak and Windy were playing in the back of Tosche Station, and even has the joystick controllers on each end that you can see them using in the cut scenes video. So enjoy this long-sought-after evidence of the production work for the pool table. Relatively few people have ever seen this.
Here’s the script passage from The Art of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope:
Heat waves radiate from the dozen or so bleached white buildings. Luke pilots his landspeeder through the dusty empty street of the tiny settlement. An old WOMAN runs to get out of the way of the speeding vehicle, shaking her fist at Luke as he flies past.WOMAN
I’ve told you kids to slow down!Luke pulls up behind a low concrete service station that is all but covered by the shifting desert sands.
Luke bursts into the power station, waking THE FIXER, a rugged mechanic and CAMIE, a sexy disheveled girl who has been asleep on his lap. They grumble as he races through the office, yelling wildly.FIXER
Did I hear a young noise
blast through here?CAMIE
It was just Wormie
on another rampage.Luke bounces into a small room behind the office where DEAK and WINDY, two tough boys about the same age as Luke, are playing a computer pool-like game with BIGGS, a burly, handsome boy a few years older than the rest. His flashy city attire is a sharp contrast to the loose-fitting tunics of the farm boys. A robot repairs some equipment in the background.
Shape it up you guys!
…Biggs?Luke’s surprise at the appearance of Biggs gives way to great joy and emotion. They give each other a great bear hug.
I didn’t know you were back!
When did you get in?BIGGS
Just now, I wanted to surprise you, hot shot.
I thought you’d be here… certainly didn’t
expect you to be out working. (he laughs).LUKE
The academy didn’t change you much…
but you’re back so soon?
Hey, what happened,
didn’t you get your commission?Biggs has an air of cool that seems slightly phony.
Of course I got it. Signed aboard
THE RAND ECLIPTIC last week. First mate
Biggs Darklighter at your service… (he salutes)
…I just came back to say good-bye to
all you unfortunate landlocked simpletons.Everyone laughs. The dazzling spectacle of his dashing friend is almost too much, but suddenly he snaps out of it.
I almost forgot.
There’s a battle going on!
Right here in our system. Come and look!DEAK
The group stumbles out into the stifling desert sun. Camie and The Fixer complain and are forced to shade their eyes. Luke has his binoculars out scanning the heavens.LUKE
There they are!Biggs takes the binoculars from Luke as the other strain to see something with the naked eye. Through the binoculars Biggs sees two small silver specks.
That’s no battle, hot shot…
they’re just sitting there!
Probably a freighter-tanker refueling.LUKE
But there was a lot of firing earlier…Camie grabs the binoculars away banging them against the building in the process. Luke grabs them.
Hey, easy with those…CAMIE
Don’t worry about it, Wormie.Fixer gives Luke a hard look and the young farm boy shrugs his shoulders in resignation.
I keep telling you, the rebellion is a long way
from here. I doubt if the Empire would even fight
to keep this system. Believe me Luke, this planet
is a big hunk of nothing …Luke agrees, although it’s obvious he isn’t sure why. The group stumbles back into the power station, grumbling about Luke’s ineptitude.
As you can see, in the filmed version some of these lines were switched around or deleted entirely. Take note that in some of the photos, Fixer is seen holding the binoculars and appears to be involved in the dialogue. In the deleted scene that’s been made available to us, Fixer never takes a look for himself.
T-note: For trivia fans – the picture of the standalone building from a distance is the Toshi Power Station. This shot was used in the original version of Episode IV in the shot where Luke, Obi-Wan and the droids ride into Mos Eisley. It’s the only part of this deleted scene that made its way into another part of the film via editing. Many of the Tatooine locations in Tunisia were used and reused from different angles.
![]() (From the BEHIND THE MAGIC CD-ROM) |
![]() This is a FAN created version of the scene using sources like the Behind The Magic CD-ROM and Audio Drama. This was created by Jedi Sluggo. |
The second major deleted scene involving Biggs takes place after the scene where C-3PO starts waving and shouting at the Sandcrawler out in the Tatooine desert. Luke and Biggs are walking outside in Anchorhead enjoying a beverage of some sort. As they are walking, they talk about old times and how quiet it’s been without Biggs around. Biggs then decides to tell Luke about his plans to jump ship and join the Rebellion. Luke is very surprised.
The two then talk about Luke not getting his chance to leave for the Academy this season, Uncle Owen, the Sandpeople and the Empire. Then, the two childhood friends share a bittersweet good-bye and Luke tells Biggs that he will always be the best friend he’s ever had. Biggs turns and leaves. Luke remains for a few seconds then leaves as well.
Here’s the script passage from The Art of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope:
Luke and Biggs are walking and drinking a malt brew. Fixer and the others can be heard working inside.
(Very animated)… so I cut off my power,
shut down the afterburners and came in
low on Deak’s trail. I was so close I thought I
was going to fry my instruments. As it was I busted
up the Skyhopper pretty bad. Uncle Owen was
pretty upset. He grounded me for the rest
of the season. You should have been there…
it was fantastic.BIGGS
You ought to take it a little easy Luke.
You may be the hottest bushpilot this side of
Mos Eisley, but those little skyhoppers are
dangerous. Keep it up, and one day whammo,
you’re going to be nothing more than a dark
spot on the down side of a canyon wall.LUKE
Look whose talking. Now that you’ve
been around those giant starships you’re
beginning to sound like my uncle.
You’ve gotten soft in the city…BIGGS
I’ve missed you kid.LUKE
Well, things haven’t been the same
since you left Biggs. It’s been so… quiet.Biggs looks around then leans close to Luke.
Luke, I didn’t come back just to say good-bye…
I shouldn’t tell you this but you’re the only
one I can trust… and if I don’t come back,
I want somebody to know.Luke’s eyes are wide with Biggs’ seriousness and loyalty.
What are you talking about?BIGGS
I made some friends at the Academy.
(He whispers)
…when our frigate goes to one of the central systems,
we’re going to jump ship and join the Alliance…Luke, amazed and stunned, is almost speechless.
Join the rebellion?! Are you kidding!
Quiet down will ya!
You got a mouth bigger than
a meteor crater!LUKE
I’m sorry. I’m quiet.
(He whispers)
Listen how quiet I am.
You can barely hear me…Biggs shakes his head angrily and then continues.
My friend has a friend on Bestine
who might help us make contact.LUKE
You’re crazy! You could wander around
forever trying to find them.BIGGS
I know it’s a long shot, but if I don’t find them
I’ll do what I can on my own… It’s what we
always talked about. Luke, I’m not going to wait
for the Empire to draft me into service.
The Rebellion is spreading and I want to be
on the right side – the side I believe in.LUKE
And I’m stuck here…BIGGS
I thought you were going to the academy
next term. You’ll get your chance to get off
this rock.LUKE
Not likely! I had to cancel my application.
There has been a lot of unrest among the sandpeople
since you left… they’ve even raided the outskirts
of Anchorhead.BIGGS
Your uncle could hold off a whole colony
of sandpeople with one blaster.LUKE
I know, but he’s got enough vaporators going
to make the place pay off. He needs me for
just one more season. I can’t leave him now.BIGGS
I feel for you, Luke, you’re going to have to
learn what seems to be important or what really is
important. What good is all your uncle’s work
if its taken over by the Empire?…
You know they’re starting to nationalize
commerce in the central systems…
it won’t be long before your uncle is
merely a tenant, slaving for the greater
glory of the Empire.LUKE
It couldn’t happen here. You said it yourself.
The Empire won’t bother with this rock.BIGGS
Things always change.LUKE
I wish I was going…
Are you going to be around long?BIGGS
No, I’m leaving in the morning…LUKE
Then I guess I won’t see you.BIGGS
Maybe someday… I’ll keep a lookout.LUKE
Well, I’ll be at the Academy next season…
after that who knows. I won’t be drafted into the
Imperial Starfleet that’s for sure… Take care of
yourself, you’ll always be the best friend I’ve got.BIGGS
So long, Luke.Biggs turns away from his old friend and heads back towards the power station.
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There was an additional scene with Biggs Darklighter that was cut from the Rebel Base scenes on Yavin IV just before the attack on the Death Star. For the Special Edition of Episode IV, most of this scene was restored. The scene involves Biggs, Luke, and Red Leader. There’s only a small amount of dialogue that was kept out of the restoration, probably because Red Leader mentions knowing Luke’s father.
In the script, Red Leader says, “Are you… Luke Skywalker? Have you been checked out on the Incom T-sixty-five?” to which Biggs replies, “Sir, Luke is the best bushpilot in the outer rim territories.” Then follows the line from Red Leader that was partially edited in the Special Edition: “I met your father once when I was just a boy. He was a great pilot. You’ll do all right. If you’ve got half of your father’s skill, you’ll do better than all right.” Luke and Biggs say a few more words to each other, head to their ships and move on to destroy the Death Star.
To cover up the dialogue edit, they used an editing technique called a “wipe” which is used pretty heavily in the Star Wars films. Right when Red Leader is about to mention Luke’s father, a Rebel Technician moves across the foreground of the screen from left to right allowing the editors to remove the desired frames from the scene without much notice.
In the Marvel comic book adaptation, Luke and Leia share a more passionate kiss instead of the little peck on the cheek he gets in the film. Gross…but what did we know then, right?
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