Leia’s Torture


There has been a long standing rumor about a scene in Episode IV  where Leia was hung upside-down by Darth Vader and extensively tortured while being held prisoner in the Death Star detention block.

Ryan Silva helped with the debunking of this old rumor. Here is the entry from the “Debunk” section of his old Lost Scenes web-site:

A friend of mine was just telling me about the Leia-Vader torture scene. She said that she was reading an interview with Carrie Fisher, and in the article she described the scene as the most awful day of filming on the set. She described the scene in very much the same way it was portrayed in the [NPR] radio drama. She described being hung upside down while they filmed her being tortured until she eventually passed out. She then noted how pissed she was when she saw that it had been cut from the movie.

From ROLLING STONE, issue no. 322, July 24th, 1980: p. 35. Carrie Fisher Interview:

“…Fisher laments the fact that several exotic scenes never made it into either film. ‘In the original script, I was captured, and when Mark and Harrison found me, I was hanging upside down with yellow eyes, like in THE EXORCIST. They shoulda just gotten Linda Blair for it. Some form of radar torture was done to me and I was in a beam, bruised and beaten up, suspended in midair. The reason it was cut from the film was because I was unconscious and the Wookie[e] would have had to carry me for, like, the next fifteen minutes. But I loved the idea of having yellow eyes and being beaten and carried.'”

The torture scene Carrie Fisher remembers reading about WAS NOT FILMED. That scene is part of the 3rd Draft by Lucas. She hangs upside down with yellow eyes, and Chewbacca must carry her for about 10 scenes onwards. Of course, this scene is NOT in the shooting script, the 4th Draft.


The Secret of the Sith


This editorial was written before the release of Episode III.

Hiding, keeping secrets, duping people, duality—these are all themes that are at the forefront of the Star Wars saga. Padmé poses as a handmaiden and vice versa multiple times, Anakin and Padmé’s marriage is kept secret from pretty much everyone, the Sith hide in the shadows refining their evil machinations, Obi-Wan and Yoda hide themselves away on separate planets for years after Episode III, the Skywalker twins are separated and hidden at birth, Count Dooku is actually Darth Tyranus, the seemingly innocent Palpatine is actually an alter ego for an evil Sith Lord who will reveal himself for who he is and take over the galaxy as an Emperor—but is that last statement entirely true? Does he actually reveal himself or is it all about keeping things secret?

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