Alan Dean Foster and Star Wars go way back to the beginning of it all. You may remember Foster as the author who ghost-wrote the novelization of the original Star Wars. He soon and unknowingly became the granddaddy of the Expanded Universe by writing the first piece of tie-in fiction approved by Lucasfilm called Splinter of the Mind’s Eye which takes place between Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. When it was revealed that Foster was returning to Star Wars once again many years later to pen a novel that would bridge the prequels Episode I and Episode II, fans were nothing short of delighted, especially fans like myself who enjoyed the original novelization. The new book is called The Approaching Storm and will be released in February of 2002. I was very pleased to talk to Mr. Foster and chew the Star Wars rag for a while. You can check out his website at
(Original Posting: July 03, 2002) Read More