Senator Amidala seems like a very smart woman. Therefore, I can only attribute her appointing a buffoon like Jar Jar Binks as her representative in the Senate to the stress of dual assassination attempts. That, and the fact that George Lucas is a twisted individual who when faced with the knowledge that people above the age of 13 really despise Jar Jar Binks, gives him a more important role. Whenever we’re talking deleted scenes, anything to do with Jar Jar Binks is something we’re glad to talk about. Let’s have a look at some of his deleted goodness from Episode II while we solemnly wish all of his scenes were deleted.
Jar Jar, now a member of the Galactic Representative Commission, can’t go around blabbering in his usual tone of voice and expect to be respected, can he? Enter Diplodialect: a language Jar Jar must master in order to co-exist with other senators and representatives. There’s a lost cause if I ever did see one.
As evident in the finished film, this concept was completely dropped, although poor Binks does his best to be coherent when around politicians. There are two scenes in some of the original versions of the script that deal with this concept.
Here’s one excerpt from the 2nd draft of Attack of the Clones:
The door to the apartment slides open. JAR JAR walks into the corridor, where TWO JEDI are exiting the elevator. He recognizes OBI-WAN and becomes extremely excited, jumping around, shaking his hand.Jar Jar
Obi! Obi! Obi! Mesa sooo
smilen to see’en yousa.
Wahooooo!OBI-WAN smiles.
It’s good to see you,
too, Jar Jar.Jar Jar
Oops! Wheresa mesa manners? Excuse me,
Master Obi-Wan. I completely forgot
myself for a moment there. I have had
to learn Diplodialect… speak it like a
native now. Don’t really see the point,
actually, but members of the Senate
seem to prefer it…JAR JAR notices OBI-WAN’s APPRENTICE.
Jar Jar (continuing)
…and this, I take it, is your apprentice…
Noooooooo! Annie? Noooooooo!
Little bitty Annie? (looks at Anakin) Noooooooo!
Yousa so biggen! Yiyiyiyyi! Annie!!
Mesa no believen!Anakin
Hi, Jar Jar.JAR JAR grabs hold of ANAKIN and envelops him in a big hug.
Jar Jar
Annie! Annie!
PADMÉ is in a conference with CAPTAIN TYPHO and DORMÉ. JAR JAR enters the room, followed by the TWO JEDI.Jar Jar
Lookie… lookie… Oops!
Oh dear, I’m afraid I’ve forgotten
myself again.
From there it picks up as in the film where the Jedi greet the Senator. Later on in the film, when Padmé is talking to Jar Jar before leaving Coruscant, the Gungan has some more dialogue that ended up being removed.
Once again, an excerpt from the 2nd draft:
ANAKIN and JAR JAR stand near the door of the anteroom to PADMÉ’s bedroom. PADMÉ and DORMÉ move about packing luggage.Padmé
Representative Binks,
I know I can count on you.Jar Jar
Yousa betchen mesa bottoms.Padmé
What??!!Jar Jar (coughs, recovers)
Oh, pardone-ay, Senator. I mean,
I am honored to accept this heavy
burden. I take on this responsibility
with deep humility tinged with an
overwhelming pride. (pompously)
It is not every day that
I am called upon to…PADMÉ kisses him on the cheek and gives him a hug. JAR JAR turns red.
You’re a good friend, Jar Jar.
I don’t wish to hold you up.
I’m sure you have a great
deal to do.Jar Jar
Of course, M’Lady.
Jar Jar Binks, like many other Republic senators, was manipulated and played like a pawn. In this scene, which appears to have been trimmed for the theatrical release, Jar Jar feels he should be the one who requests the Chancellor be given emergency powers. His deleted lines are few but the fact that he’s been manipulated becomes more apparent. There are a few other lines here that were deleted so keep an eye out for them, including one by Bail Organa that was in one of the film’s trailers but ultimately deleted from the finished film.
Here’s the excerpt from The Art of Attack of the Clones:
Low Angle. A line of reflecting pools with splashing fountains flanked by statues on each side leads to the main entrance to the awesome building.INT. CORUSCANT, CHANCELLOR’S OFFICE – DAY
Jedi (Yoda, Mace Windu, and Ki-Adi-Mundi) and Senators (Bail Organa, Ask Aak and Jar Jar) along with Palpatine and Mas Amedda discuss Obi-Wan´s message with growing concern.BAIL ORGANA
The Commerce Guilds are preparing
for war…there can be no doubt of that.PALPATINE
Count Dooku must have made
a treaty with them.BAIL ORGANA
We must stop them before
they’re ready.JAR JAR
Excueeze me, yousa honorable
Supreme Chancellor, Sir.
Maybe dissen Jedi stoppen
the rebel army.PALPATINE
Master Yoda, how many Jedi are
available to go to Geonosis?YODA
Throughout the galaxy, thousands
of Jedi there are. To send on a
special mission, only two hundred
are available.BAIL ORGANA
With all due respect for the
Jedi Order, that doesn’t sound
like enough.YODA
Through negotiation the Jedi
maintains peace. To start a war
we do not intend.ASK AAK
The debate is over, now we
need that clone army…BAIL ORGANA
Unfortunately, the debate is not over.
The Senate will never be able to
approve the use of that army
before the separatists attack.MAS AMEDDA
This is a crisis! The Senate must
vote the Chancellor emergency
powers! He could then approve the
use of the clones.PALPATINE
But what Senator would have
the courage to propose such a
radical amendment?MAS AMEDDA
If only Senator Amidala
were here.Jar Jar steps forward from the back of the group.
Mesa mosto Supreme Chancellor…
Mesa gusto pallos. Mesa proud to
proposing the motion to give yousa
Honor emergency powers.
![]() |
Download: Bail Organa from the EPISODE II Clone War Trailer speaking a line that was eventually deleted from the film. |
After Jar Jar privately volunteers to ask the Senate to give Palpatine emergency powers, he has to actually do the deed before his fellow Senators in a session. This is Jar Jar’s big moment in the film and in this excerpt, you’ll get to see a little more of his impassioned speech. Little does he know, he’s playing into the hands of a madman who will soon wreak havoc upon the galaxy. Look for some more dialogue in this scene from Palpatine and Mas Amedda as well.
Here’s the excerpt from The Art of Attack of the Clones:
Mace Windu walks down an upper corridor and meets Yoda, who is sitting on a ledge overlooking the Senate chamber.Inside the great rotunda, the uproar is even louder. Opposing Senators yell furiously at one another.
Order! Order!!Finally, the uproar dies.
In the regrettable absence of Senator
Amidala, the chair recognizes the Senior
Representative of Naboo,
Jar Jar Binks.Amid a conflicting storm of cheers and boos, Jar Jar, with two Gungan Aides, floats on his pod to the middle of the vast space. He looks at Palpatine nervously. Palpatine nods. Jar Jar clears his throat.
Senators, dellow felogates…Laughter. Jeers. Jar Jar blushes.
Order! The Senate will accord
the Representative the courtesy
of a hearing.Comparative quiet. Jar Jar grips the edge of the podium.
Jar Jar stands in his pod as it floats in the middle of the vast space.JAR JAR
In response to the direct threat to
the Republic, meesa propose that the
Senate give immediately emergency
powers to the Supreme Chancellor.Uproar. Jar Jar looks a little sheepish.
Brief silence, then a rolling wave of applause. Jar Jar beams and bows.
Palpatine rises.
It is with great reluctance that I have
agreed to this calling. I love democracy…
I love the Republic. But I am mild by nature,
and I do not desire to see the destruction
of democracy. The power you give me I will
lay down when this crisis has abated,
I promise you. And as my first act with this
new authority, I will create a grand army of
the Republic to counter the increasing
threats of the separatists.
this just makes jar jar seem more sinister because they cut his lines yet he gives expressions in the final cut. Curious as to why you assume he is weak minded